‘Mijn missie is om mensen te inspireren om naar het mooie van het normale leven te kijken’

In mijn fotoserie, ABSTRACT ATTRACTS!, vind je lijnen, vormen en elementen die in het normale leven terug te vinden zijn.
De werkelijkheid van deze patronen en lijnen in het dagelijkse leven trekken mij aan omdat ze tijdloos zijn.
In deze serie haalde ik zoveel mogelijk verwijzingen naar het huidige tijdbeeld weg zodat ik er mijn eigen werkelijkheid in kon zien.
Ik zie een jaren ‘80 wereld en hoor op de achtergrond die top 40-muziek, van de radio opgenomen op een cassettebandje, waar ik als kind zo graag naar luisterde. Ik ga op in vrijheid en ontspanning en laat het nu even los. Wat is jouw eigen werkelijkheid?



  • formaat 40 x 60 cm compleet ingelijsd
  • maatwerk formaten ook mogelijk!
  • allen ingelijsd door gespecialiseerde en kundige lijstenmakerij Cadre
  • elk werk bevat een certificaat van echtheid
  • let eens op de titel van het werk.. Herken je de titel en de clip? Kijk hier naar de playlist van de videoclips van deze serie





I really have a love-hate relationship with our lightning-fast 24/7 society. The wave of daily stimuli and information comes over me every day.

On the one hand, I feel a lot of love for the fact that everyone’s world has grown and continues to grow every day. This is thanks to the progressive technological developments that effortlessly ensure that more and more people get the same opportunities and possibilities. The world is at our feet!

On the other hand, I feel the stress and busyness of our current 24-hour economy. Everywhere and always there are incentives that come in hard and that will only increase in the future.

During my burnout, a few years ago, I was so shocked by the vulnerability of my own mental health. I am proud that I came out so much stronger, got to know myself better and made better choices. This period has changed me. I got to know myself better during my recovery and I still grow every day. Since then, I have also been aware of the balance between action and rest on a daily basis and I can deal with this more and more.

“I want to create my own world. An abstract world that is not like real reality, but like reality as I want to see it myself. “

I am a child of the pragmatic generation, also known as the fries generation.
It was the last generation which growed up without technology. Sometimes I want going back for that quiet time without choice stress for myself and my children,. Back to the 80s without a mobile phone, without a computer and internet. When there was plenty of time to play outside and perhaps even better, when there was time to get bored.

In my photo series, ABSTRACT ATTRACTS ! you will find lines, shapes and elements that can be found in normal life. The reality of these patterns and lines in everyday life attract me because they are timeless. In this series, I removed as many references to the current era as possible so that I could see my own reality in it. I see an ’80s world and in the background I hear the top 40 music, recorded from the radio on a cassette tape, which I loved to listen to as a child.
I am absorbed in freedom and relaxation and let it go now.

What’s your own reality?

Nicole Tanke

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